My gums and teeth are a mess. I had an extraction last year, and two teeth just fell out. I get deep cleanings at the dentist every three months. I hoped that would help me save some teeth, but it didn’t work. I can’t enjoy food anymore. After I declined dental implants, it seemed my dentist didn’t care. What can I do because I only have a few teeth left on the left side of my mouth? Thanks. – Evelyn from PA
Repeated tooth loss is a sign of advanced periodontal disease (gum disease). If your dentist cannot control your gum disease, ask for a referral to gum disease specialist (periodontist).
Dental implants are the ideal solution if you have a few teeth remaining on the left side of your mouth. However, they cost $2500+ per implant, depending on the dentist and where you live in the US.
That option may work if your remaining teeth can support a partial denture. Another solution would be a Cu-Sil partial denture, which is made like a complete denture but has holes with silicone rings to fit over the existing teeth. This is a little more stable than a complete denture, and as additional teeth are lost, it is simple to close each hole and put in a new artificial tooth.
A conventional removable partial denture stresses the remaining teeth, which may cause more tooth loss. We recommend visiting a skilled dentist to evaluate your oral health and determine which form(s) of tooth replacement are best.
Dr. Brian LeSage, a Beverly Hills accredited Fellow of cosmetic dentistry, sponsors this post.