My December 2022 smile makeover included ten zirconia crowns. My dentist has had countless challenges with my bite. He can’t seem to get it right despite grinding on every crown. He is destroying them and grinding my money into dust. I didn’t have dental anxiety before, but now I have hives inside my lips and gums, which I think is anxiety. Someone suggested I may have had an allergic reaction to all the grinding on the crowns. Could I be allergic to zirconia? Thanks. Karson
We are sorry to hear about your stressful dental experiences. Zirconia is such a high-strength material that repeatedly grinding it down to correct your bite can make you dread dental visits.
Could You Be Allergic to Zirconia Crowns?
Although zirconia allergies are rare, it is possible to be allergic to them. The International Journal of Prosthodontics published a study of 14 patients with zirconia fixed dentures reports. The patients had no reactions to zirconia after a three-year follow-up. You could get an allergy test if you suspect the zirconia dust is causing a reaction. However, you probably would have reacted to the crowns when your
What Causes Hives After a Dental Appointment?
Stressful dental experiences can trigger burning mouth syndrome, which may cause hives. If you had no symptoms before the problems with your occlusion, your hives may be related to dental anxiety. You can get a second opinion from another dentist or your medical doctor if you think the hives are unrelated to your dental concerns.
Adjusting Your Bite with Multiple Dental Crowns
Achieving a harmonious bite requires advanced training in occlusion and bite. Dentists need post-graduate training beyond dental school to understand what is necessary to ensure crowns fit correctly so you can speak and chew normally. Otherwise, you can experience jaw-muscle spasms, headaches, earaches, and other TMJ symptoms.
Additionally, a mishappen smile makeover can increase your overall anxiety, even if you do not develop dental anxiety. We recommend getting a second opinion from an advanced cosmetic dentist with occlusion and bite training to transform your smile and ensure it is healthy.
Beverly Hills accredited fellow of cosmetic dentistry Dr. Brian LeSage sponsors this post. Visit his smile gallery of before and after photos for cosmetic dentistry patients.
Smile makeover photos from the smile gallery of Beverly Hills accredited fellow of cosmetic dentistry Brian LeSage.