My dentist replaced a fused-to-metal crown with a ceramic one. She also replaced silver fillings with white ones. I have had the same dentist for five years with no problems. I chose her because she is the only holistic dentist within 75 miles of my home, and I work from home. My dentist used CAD/CAM technology to make my crown and cemented it without checking my bite. Unfortunately, my bite was off, so she sanded the crown and asked me to tell her how it felt in a few days.
When I returned to the office the next week with no improvement, my dentist sanded the tooth in front of the crown and two front teeth. A dental assistant worked on my teeth while my dentist saw other patients. My bite was still off, so my dentist said I needed to see an orthodontist. None of these problems existed before my dentist replaced the crowns and fillings.
Last week, I got a second opinion. The dentist said the crown was too high and too small. He would need to replace it and build up the teeth that my dentist and assistant sanded down. The dentist also mentioned that Invisalign might help.
I do not trust my dentist or the dentist who gave me the second opinion because I am unsure whether he sees me as an opportunity to get money. I would rather get a temporary crown and take time to think this through, but who do I trust for that? – Thank you. Lylah from NY
We are sorry you have experienced so many disappointments while trying to get metal-free and mercury-free solutions to preserve your teeth.
Should You Switch Dentists?
If your dentist cannot restore your teeth correctly, consider switching. Many dentists who do not advertise as holistic respect patients’ rights and needs for mercury-free or metal-free options. They are also alert to chemical sensitivities and other factors that can affect the quality of your care.
Your dentist violated the standard of care by giving you faulty tooth restorations and damaging your natural teeth while adjusting your bite. You have grounds for contacting the state dental board and an attorney.
Does CAD/CAD Technology Produce Faulty Crowns?
Many dentists use CAD/CAM technology and complete dental crowns. Digital impressions are more accurate than physical impressions. However, building a high-quality crown requires a trained, skilled dentist to direct the equipment. A dentist must also understand how to adjust a patient’s bite before cementing a crown.
Request a Consultation
Look for one or two highly skilled dentists sensitive to patients’ requests for biocompatible dental materials and advanced cosmetic and restorative dentistry training. Schedule a consultation with each dentist to discuss your treatment options. The dentist may be willing to explain what you must do to get a refund or compensation from your previous dentist.
Dr. Brian LeSage, a Beverly Hills accredited Fellow of cosmetic dentistry, sponsors this post.